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I wanted to create a little bag to carry a mini sewing kit in my bag. I didn't want a zippered pouch I wanted something much smaller than that. And I wanted it to be flat. After many experiments I came up with the idea of creating a small pocket which could fit very easily into my bag. I wanted the pockets to carry memories with them so I chose to use my scrapfabric technique to create the fabric for the pockets. This is a technique that allows me to incorporate many small scraps of fabrics from many sources. Scraps from children's clothing, remnants from a much loved blanket, pieces of fabric from my wedding dress. All the fabric scraps that I have kept that have sentimental value for me.You can make the pockets from a solid piece of fabric or use different patchwork or collage techniques. You can also make the pocket from fabric yoyos or even use an embroidered fabric piece.The pockets are perfect, they are colorful and flat and I have made them all the same size so they fit very nicely into one side of my bag.In this tutorial you are going to learn to create a pocket amulet and 2 different types of hanging pocket amulet pendants.You don't need to buy any special tools for this, a regular domestic sewing machine will do the job. When I teach I don't know what machines or tools people will have and I want everyone to be able to use my techniques without having to spend any money to buy new machines or expensive tools. My tutorials are designed to be used with a standard domestic sewing machine.The tutorial is clear and instructive with many photographs explaining each step.
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Pocket Amulets, A Stitching Tutorial, DIY, PDF Tutorial, Instant Download
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