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Children and Creativity

Updated: Jan 11, 2021

Its that time again, summer sewing classes. A new year and a new generation of children and teenagers who want to learn to sew.

They are a bit shy at first, a bit hesitant, not sure how to hold the scissors or to thread the needle. The machine looks a bit daunting, they are going to sew by themselves?! Until they sit down and sew by themselves they don't really believe that they can.

The first day they learn the rudiments of sewing on a machine and make a magic square. They become acquianted with the machine and the iron via the magic square.

Its hard for me to describe what I feel when I see the wonder in their eyes when they go to the machine, sit down and sew by themselves.

They are astounded and a bit in awe of what they can accomplish. And its only the beginning. The sewing machine is a tool that is designed to serve them and to be used by them to create wonderful items.

As the week goes by they master a number of skills, handsewing, machine sewing and ironing.

As their skill level increases so does the complexity of the products that they make. They are amazed by themselves. From simple zippered lined pouches.

To padded, quilted pouches.

To patchwork backpacks

They are taught to value the cost of fabrics and notions. Not to waste, to use what is on hand, at home and in their community. To upcycle sheets and old school shirts and to use them for recreating into other products.

Remnants of fabrics are used as filling for dolls and pillows.

Larger remnants are cut into circles and are used when learning handsewing skills by making flowers and yoyos.

Children must be taught to grow their own wings and how they will fly when they do!


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