Unpacking, slowly, after our move.
I explained in a previous post how I sort. According to season, then color and also group the notions and pieces of that particulr color together.
I found the green box. I am enjoying opening the box and finding all the treasures inside.
Shirt cuffs, laces, ribbons, fabric remnants in many different textures and so many threads.
There are so many different shades of green.
Olive, forest, grass, apple, lime, fern, jungle, kelly, mint, tea, emerald, jade to name just a few.

I then opened the bottles of green buttons and beads that i kept in the same box.

I never knew that I had so many different shades of green threads. Embroidery

and machine

This week is a green week. I will create an embellished fabric cuff,
A floral garden

And a textured landscape, using a packet of strips that I had prepared to create a piece of green patchwork quilted fabric., all in greens.