Sorting in the studio today I found my bottle of thimbles. I have an interesting selection. I don't use most of them, in fact till this year I found using thimbles very uncomfortable. And then I saw a picture on facebook one day of someone wearing a silver thimble with a dragon's head that was shaped like these.
I went online and did a search and found these. They are the most comfortable thimbles that I have ever used.

They can be adjusted to the shape of one's fingers

In my bottle I found these.

A number of tin thimbles in varying sizes which I keep for the use of my students.

Some plastic and silicon thimbles which were gifted to me by an elderly seamstress.

A ceramic thimble from Glasgow gifted to me by a student,
A heavy stainless steel one from Paris from another student.
My mother's small silver thimble from Finland. I was given this from her when I was five years old and just learning to sew. She actually hated sewing and I think that she gave this to me in the hope that I would learn quickly and take over the mending. I actually did.

I came across an artists site "Thimbles For You" Jan Marie Larson is the artist, she makes silver thimbles. At some point I will be ordering one. I just have to think what adornments and stones I want on it.
She makes open nail thimbles similar to my brass ones and other styles as well.