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What can I make with t shirt sleeves

Updated: Nov 23, 2023

Yesterday I showed you how to cut a t shirt apart. Now I will show you what you can do with the sleeves.

If the sleeve of the t shirt is wide enough you can make a tube scarf out of it.

If it is narrower you can cut the sleeve into 2 pieces, snip the ends into pairs of strips

Open t shirt sleeve
Open t shirt sleeve

T shirt sleeve snipped on both sides
Th shirt sleeve snipped on both sides

Tie the pairs of strips together on both sides

Pairs of snips tied together
Pairs of snips tied together

And here is your tied infinity scarf from the sleeve of a t shirt.

You can make yoyos from the circles that you cut from the remaining piece of the sleeve

Fabric circles
Fabric circles

On the side of the fabric circle that is NOT going to be shown make a circle of small, even running stitches as close to the outer edge of the circle as possible. This will be used as a gathering stitch

Making yoyos
Making yoyos

Pull the thread and place your finger at the center of the yoyo and press down whilst you pull so that the result is a yoyo and not a hat.

Place the needle in the centre of the yoyo and stitch through to the back. Stitch up and down a few times via the center and then leave the needle on the underside of the yoyo


Backstitch on the back side to secure the thread and then cut it.

Back stitch
Back stitch

Make a selection in a few of the colors that you have chosen. You can never make too many yoyos. You can keep them in a box or container designated for that purpose and use them in other projects later on.

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