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Choosing Fabrics

I spent all day today choosing fabrics for my next tutorial. I ended up choosing fabrics for 2 tutorials. My table is full of fabric strips arranged in color families.

Fabric strips on a table boxes on shelves

As I saw the fabrics and the colors the second tutorial developed in my head. One thing led to another and I found myself opening more and more boxes and cutting and ripping sheets to create fabric strips.

The first tutorial will be a tree or trees I haven't decided yet. It will come to me as I begin sketching the outline.

A slection of fabric strips, orange, pink, brown

Fabric strips on table, greeen, floral, red, pink,yellow

And the second will be a sunset and I can see all the details and all the colors. That will be the second tutorial as I have to open a few more boxes and try to find some other colors that I see. I have most of them but not all. I am sure that happens to you as well, that one color will be found in the very last box that I open, I am sure of it. But at least I am organizing while I search.

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