I walked through my garden last night under the dark and dusky sky. I wanted to bring it indoors. So I picked some black and grey roses, some dark sharp leaves and some spiny curved stems.
To be dried and matted and framed to be kept forever.
The sequence of my creation is noted in my shadow book where I keep all my magic craft.
First, collect the mix.
Cut and stir
Separarate the roses from their stems
Gather up the brambles
And lay them down on the black satin
The floral technique on Etsy - https://www.etsy.com/priganart/listing/692770833/flower-diy-tutorial-pdf-floral-patchwork
and on the site - https://www.priganart.com/product-page/flower-diy-tutorial-pdf-floral-patchwork-tutorial-pdf-tutorial-embellishing