I have a goal. To complete my mosaic patchwork tunic/coat before this winter finally gets to us.
I have a short mosaic vest and want a midi legth tunic/vest. It is the same pattern as my vest pattern just extended beyond my hips.
Its a project that I have been working on in bits and pieces over a number of years. Its not that it takes that amount of time to create it, I just got side tracked and kept putting it aside well this year its going to be done.
I have some pieces and need to add on to them to get the size that I want.
that meant sorting through the pile of autumn scraps this morning and finding the appropriate color mix.
Now I have a huge bowl of scraps and can get to work
These are some of the pieces I already have - the tunic will be lined in a solid color fabric.
For the back as well.
I think that I will be making a tunic/vest and not a coat as the sleeves will be too stiff from all of my over stitching. I do want to make pockets, at least 2 and maybe 4.
Ideally I would like zippered pockets with the body of the pockets hidden between the art and the lining. I will have to figure out how to do that technically because once the fabric is quilted it is stiff and thick. I might have to make 2 external pockets, I will experiment with a small piece and see how the zipper sits on a mini pocket.