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Good Luck Amulet Pockets

Writer's picture: Sharon PriganSharon Prigan

Updated: Aug 27, 2022

Last week I wanted to create a little bag to carry a mini sewing kit in my bag. I didn't want a zippered pouch I wanted something much smaller than that. And I wanted it to be flat.

After many experiments I came up with the idea of creating a small pocket which could fit very easily into my bag.

I made one - success. And then I thought of all the other little things that I carry in my bag. Some of them are wrapped in fabric and some are in nylon bags.

I carry a lucky stone, a herbal mix for a tea infusion, a prayer, a sewing kit and a small first aid kit. They are in containers that are all shaped differently and end up being very bulky in the bag.

I wanted the pockets to carry memories with them so I chose to use my ScrapFabric technique to create the fabric for the pockets. This is a technique that allows me to incoroprate many small scraps of fabrics from many sources. Scraps from children's clothing, remnants from a much loved blanket, pieces of fabric from my wedding dress. All the fabric scraps that I have kept that have sentimental value for me.

Summer scraps
Summer scraps

Plum and red and rust remnants from quilts that I gifted to loved ones.


Scrap fabric
Scrap fabric

First I made a few mosaic pieces and then constructed my pockets. Pictures next week.

Mosaic patchwork
Mosaic patchwork

The pockets are perfect, they are colorful and flat and I have made them all the same size so they fit very nicely into one side of my bag.

And then I thought why not share this idea. So I sat down and wrote a tutorial which should be done by this weekend.

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Nov 20, 2021

Sharon, vous êtes une personne très créative et décidée. Vous créez votre concept à partir de restes que vous reutilise pour des objets fonctionnels et arstuques. C’est le but de la création. J’admire votre talent, et je souhaite vous suivre pour voir la fin de votre travail. Courage ! 🌷

Sharon Prigan
Sharon Prigan
Nov 27, 2021
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